Vision, mission and values

Our vision is to become the leading recruitment agency and HR consulting company in Asia.

Our mission is to become the preferred professional career and recruitment partners for businesses. We empower our clients with the right talents, and we bring positive impact to people with promising career and growth opportunities.

Our 5 core values:
  1. People - We care about people.
  2. Passion - We fall in love with what we do.
  3. Innovation - We make things happen.
  4. Team work - We work as a team and be part of the team.
  5. Learning - We focus on learning and growing.

These values set us apart from our competitors.

About Corford Asia

Started off as IT recruitment agency and headhunting firm in response to market demand for the best IT & technology talents, Corford Asia gains confidence from our clients and sought for us to cover more roles over time, for example digital marketing, sales, operations, finance, administration and human resource. We are now a leading multi-disciplinary recruitment company covering industries including IT & technology, internet, e-commerce, financial services, digital marketing services from entry level roles to C-level roles. With well trained and experienced recruitment consultants and the use of recruiting technology, we have the ability to deliver the right talents to our clients.

To know more about our service, please visit Home

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